Program Schedule

Our 2 Full-Days Technical Seminar
26th & 27th June, 8am to 5pm

Day 1 – Tuesday June, 26


0800 – 0830

Day 1, 26-Jun

Registration & Refreshments


0830 - 0845

Day 1, 26-Jun

Welcome & Keynote Address

Mr Amit Ahuja, Treasurer, Member of the AMCA International Board of Directors


0845 - 0945

Day 1, 26-Jun

Airflow in a System

Dr Rad Ganesh, Ph.D., P.E, Director of Engineering Applications, Twin City Fan Companies

The fundamentals of airflow in a duct system will be covered. This includes the
definition of fan airflow, pressures and power as well as how they are measured and
represented. AMCA test standards, fan laws, fans in series and parallel will be
discussed. Duct system pressure drop, fan stall, surge along with a brief introduction to
fan selection will be presented.

0945 - 1000

Day 1, 26-Jun

Coffee Break


1000 - 1100

Day 1, 26-Jun

System Effect

Mr Prachanart Neamnam, Marketing Manager, Kruger Ventilation Industries (Thailand)

Very often fan users will encounter the issue where the fan capacity and pressure are
different from the desired or designed. The differences in the performance are not
always clear and may be very difficult to deal with. Most of the time this is the result of
fan System Effect. AMCA’s resource, specifically AMCA 201 Fan and System and the
field experience of engineers in the HVAC industry serve as a guide to resolve issues
on System Effect. The reasons for System Effect to be causing frustration to all fan
users will be discussed.

1100 - 1200

Day 1, 26-Jun

Fan Selection – Fan Type and Fan Sizing

Mr Teoh Jye, General Manager of Marketing, Kruger Ventilation Industries Asia

Ventilation system designers specify their requirement in terms of air volume flow rate,
static pressure and total pressure. With all these information, fan selection can begin by
selecting the fan type. There are centrifugal fans, axial fans and mixed flow fans, how
do we decide on what fan type? After deciding the fan type, then how do we decide the
proper or right size fan? In most cases, there are always more than one size of fan that
can meet the requirement with different fan speeds, power consumption, efficiency and
noise. Do we always choose the fan with the best efficiency or the fan with the lowest
noise? This may not be the right answer then how do we decide?

1200 - 1330

Day 1, 26-Jun



1330 - 1430

Day 1, 26-Jun

Underground Ventilation – Metros & Road Tunnel Ventilation

Mr Carlo Barbetta, Consultant & Sales Coordinator, Systemair Group

Any subsurface structure that has human occupancy will need some form of ventilation.
The topic discusses and covers ventilation requirements and design aspects, different
ventilation systems used, ventilation system components as well as control of smoke in
case of fire.

1430 - 1515

Day 1, 26-Jun

Development of EC Motor Technology & Application in Demand Ventilation

Mr Mike Hurrie, Consultant, Systemair Group

The ability of fans to vary airflow is important both to allow improved control of
ventilation (makeup air) as well as to reduce fan energy consumption and overall
system efficiency. Electronically commutated (EC) motors are the current topic of
interest and they look set to replace traditional AC motors in fan drives. How EC
technology works will be covered and illustrations on their benefits in application will be

1515 - 1530

Day 1, 26-Jun

Coffee Break


1530 - 1615

Day 1, 26-Jun

Plenum Fan & Multiple Fan System

Mr Thomas Bader, Ziehl‐Abegg SE, Head of Product Management Centrifugal Fans

Existing and upcoming regulations and energy saving programs demand high efficient fan systems. The use of plenum fans in air handling units (AHU) as a replacement for belt driven double inlet fan solutions has drastically increased over the past years as they offer many benefits to manufacturers and end-users. Fan manufacturers recognized advantages of direct driven plenum fans a long time ago and focused their development efforts on high efficiency plenum fans. As such fans are always embedded and used in an AHU studies into built-in situations were carried out to obtain better knowledge and in order to support AHU manufacturers to consider installation effects when selecting the fan.

For air handling units, especially for high airflow or in retrofit projects, the use of multiple fans in an array is becoming very popular. The presentation includes benefits of a multi-fan system and points out where you should pay attention during the installation process. An important issue when building a multi-fan system is to consider mounting instructions. We investigated how performance and sound are affected if recommended minimum distances can’t be achieved. You obtain information about a smart solution to improve performance in such situations and to simplify the assembly process. One of the reasons for building a multi-fan system is to have redundancy and you will see what happens when one fan fails in terms of performance as well as a practical method of airflow measurement during operation.


1615 - 1700

Day 1, 26-Jun

Equipment Vibration

Dr Rad Ganesh, Ph.D., P.E, Director of Engineering Applications, Twin City Fan Companies

Fundamental concepts of fan balance and vibration will be presented along with
common AMCA standards. Balance and vibration tolerances for various installation
methods will be discussed. Concepts of system natural frequencies and resonance will
be introduced.

Day 2 – Wednesday June, 27


0800 - 0830

Day 2, 27-Jun



0830 - 0915

Day 2, 27-Jun

High Plume Jet Fan Systems

Nicholas Ang, Wolter Asia

The purpose of Exhaust Systems (Conventional and Entrained Air), Design criteria for the Exhaust systems (Conventional and Entrained Air), What is an Entrained Air Exhaust (High Plume Jet Fan System) and Test Standards for High Plume Jef Fan Systems will be discussed and explained.

0915 - 1000

Day 2, 27-Jun

Fan Sound

Mr Franco Cincotti, Director of Engineering, Comefri USA

The discussion on why the noise of fan is important will be covered. The use of
silencers and their impact on fan efficiency will be discussed. The correct measurement
of the sound level and the ways manufacturers deal with the noise of their fans will be

1000 - 1015

Day 2, 27-Jun

Coffee Break


1015 - 1100

Day 2, 27-Jun

Field Test & Site Commissioning

Mr PS Soong, P Eng, MIEM, MASHRAE, CPMP, GBICxS, Commissioning Specialist
GTG Industries

High performance building can be a pride only with the occupants of building satisfied in
staying in the space. In the life cycle cost analysis of a typical office building,
construction cost is only a fraction to the overall expenditure including salaries of staff.
The ratio is applicable to all other types of buildings. Productivity & comfort of
occupants can only be enhanced with good indoor environmental quality in air
temperature, humidity, air movement and acceptable noise & vibration level. Design &
installation of air systems for high performance buildings is no longer limited to include
EE aspect but must include IEQ aspect as well. Design criteria for good IEQ includes
minimum ventilation, air change effectiveness, pollutant controls, mold preventions,
noise level reduction, controllability of air distribution devices, etc. Advance air system
such as UFAD (underfloor air distribution), VAV, radiant cooling system, etc. each need
the contribution of innovative products from manufactures. Acceptable noise & vibration
level can only be attained with designer & installer’s understanding on testing
parameters furnished by manufacturers and applying these data meaningfully in
equipment & accessories selection process. The speaker has verified IEQ parameters
of many high performance/green buildings during commissioning, often with
sophisticated instrument. He will share his experience with the audience on some of his
case studies.

1100 - 1200

Day 2, 27-Jun

Design Criteria: Attenuator & Acoustic Duct

Ir Nai Boonlert, Prakhun Acoustics

The principals of Noise Control in areas of Mechanical and Vibration Noise Control will
be discussed and covered. Two types of noise, duct-borne noise and structure borne
noise will be taken into consideration, leading to the noise control mechanism used in
the ACMV system; such as plantroom wall insulation internal lining and the use of duct
silencer/attenuator. For duct silencers/attenuators, further explanations would be
provided in the mechanism and application for noise control with their related design
challenges. Various options and methods for choosing a good isolator and for
considering the transmissibility of the system will be discussed in relation to vibration
isolation issues. The eventual performance of a spring as an isolator will be discussed,
explaining as it is determined by the static deflection of the isolator combined with the
building slab deflection as a “whole” system.

1200 -1330



1330 - 1430

Day 2, 27-Jun

Control Damper Application & Selection

Mr Tom Edwards, President, TRE Consulting

A detailed review of the selection and application of control dampers for a variety of
differing projects including commercial, industrial and tunnel applications will be
discussed. AMCA testing and certification procedures are reviewed to ensure job
specifications are met for leakage, velocity and pressure drop. Leakage classifications,
actuator selection, material selection, blade and side seal differences are also reviewed
and discussed.

1430 - 1515

Day 2, 27-Jun

Smoke Control & Fire Damper Application

Mr Tom Edwards, President, TRE Consulting

Fire, Smoke and Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers are important for the safety of
building occupants during a life-threatening event. Both UL and AMCA testing ensures
that products are both manufactured and installed properly to meet fire-related
emergency conditions. An in-depth discussion on the installation methods, the
differences between damper types, where to use a fire damper vs. a smoked damper,
and NFPA 90 and NFPA 92A and 92B standards will be discussed.

1515 - 1530

Day 2, 27-Jun

Afternoon Break


1530 - 1615

Day 2, 27-Jun

Product Rating & Certification

Ms Tan Tin Tin, Technical Director, Asia AMCA

The importance of product rating and certification will be discussed. Understand further
the objectives of AMCA Certified Ratings Program. An overview of how catalogue
ratings are developed with the latest updates on the various ratings available. An
introduction on the laboratory accreditation program will also be covered.

1615 - 1700

Day 2, 27-Jun

Louver Selection & Application

Mr Tom Edwards, President, TRE Consulting

The importance of pressure drop, water penetration and architectural appearance in the selection of louvers for various building and ventilation applications will be discussed and covered.  The use of ANSI/AMCA Standard 500-L testing methods to assure energy efficient and water-effective designs will be reviewed and explained.

Registration Closed!